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Selle Royal eZone gewinnt den Design & Innovation Award
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Montag, 5. Februar 2018

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The eZone saddle proves that eBike-specific componentry is the real deal with a win at the DI.A

24th January 2017 – Italy: ​Italian saddle brand Selle Royal have won a Design & Innovation Award (DI.A) for their new eBike saddle. The eZone, which launched last October, is the first saddle specifically designed for modern urban, leisure, touring and off-road eBikes. The saddle is the result of the first comprehensive study of eBike users, which Selle Royal conducted in collaboration with world leading designers at Designworks, the BMW Group subsidiary.

In its verdict, the Design & Innovation Awards described the saddle as a “major player for the e‑bike market”. Suitable for multiple styles of riding, the DI.A said that “the design lends itself to safety during accelerations and allows the rider more control over the bike”.

Research found that the speed and thrust generated by an eBike motor requires a specific shape to secure the rider’s position and ensure safety. eZone’s designers understood that any sudden forward movement produces a wave-effect, which requires performance zones to address acceleration, sitting comfort and handling. When designing the eBike-specific saddle design, Selle Royal raised the rear portion of the saddle and added wings with which the rider can steer and adapt thrust with precision.

Lara Cunico, Selle Royal’s Marketing Manager, said: “The eZone took two years to bring to life, so we are happy to receive this accolade from the Design & Innovation Awards – one of the most prestigious awards in the cycling industry, and hopefully one of more to come. At Selle Royal, we always strive to innovate and bring something new and necessary to the table. With the eBike sector growing so rapidly, brands need to embrace and provide the new market.”


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