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Selle mit fünf weiteren Künstlersätteln
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Donnerstag, 12. März 2015

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Selle Royal hat zum Weltfrauentag am 8. März erneut eine Reihe von Sätteln vorgestellt, die von renommierten Künstlern und Designern eigens für diesen Anlass gestaltet wurden. Die streng limitierten Sättel gehören zu einer thematischen Serie, die ausgesuchten Terminen gewidmet ist und auf gesellschaftliche Fragestellungen aufmerksam machen will. Zu jedem der fünf Termine werden fünf Modelle in einer Auflage von jeweils nur drei Sätteln produziert. Gestartet wurde die Aktion am Valentinstag im Februar, sie endet mit dem Weltkindertag am 1. Juni.

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Selle Royal announces five new Project UP saddle artworks to celebrate Women’s Day

Non-profit initiative seeks to raise awareness of five societal issues; second collection promotes equality with eye-catching designs by renowned designers

Selle Royal has unveiled the second collection in its series of striking Project UP saddle artworks – #WomensDay.

The five new designs join its #LoveToday saddles, launched on Valentine’s Day. A total of 25 bold, striking artworks will be announced, with just three being made of each.

Each collection seeks to raise awareness of societal issues as chosen by company’s staff. The saddles feature specially created artwork from 25 of Europe’s leading comic artists, product designers, graphic illustrators and animators.

This series, launched in the run-up to International Women’s Day (8th March), is based on the theme of equality. Subsequent artworks will be launched to raise awareness of environmental responsibility, obesity and child-poverty, and will be launched to coincide with Earth Day (22nd April), Bike to Work Day (US) (15th May) and Children’s Day (1st June).

To help promote discussion on these issues, Selle Royal will make one of each saddle available to the public via a free-to-enter social media competition; using the hashtags #sUPportProject #WomensDay.

The five artists that contributed to this collection all have unique styles. They are the graphic designer and photographer Elisabeth Busani, graffiti artist Matteo Caria, clay specialist Stefano Colferai, the geometric print artist No Curves, whose work has appeared on Rolling Stone and Gloria Pizzilli, whose illustrations have been used by Wired, 3x3, Glamour and Mood Magazine.

Of the additional two saddles in each design, one will be given to the artists, and the final one will be used in museum exhibits, both in Italy and internationally – the tour’s details will be announced at a later date.

Matteo Cuccato, artist and project leader explained the process: “Aside from selecting the illustrators and the saddle template, we gave the artists free reign to express themselves as they saw fit, with preferred techniques and styles, using the saddle as a blank canvas.

“Despite coming from very different backgrounds, the artists have really thrown themselves into this project and the causes behind it, bringing these abstract concepts into stunning and truly original works of art.”

Each of these artworks have been created using Selle Royal’s Rok saddle.

Rok is a smooth-ride saddle for Women who want a relaxed riding position. It features a distinctive wide and noseless shape. It uses a sprung frame for added suspension and Royalgel™ padding to reduce pressure peaks by up to 40%.


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